How to fix package or namespace load failed Error message in Rstudio
After updating several packages, I came across this error message in Rstudio. The error message read as follows:
“loadNamespace(j <- i[[1L]], c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[j]])”
On top of it, I was unable to uninstall or reinstall any R packages.
$\textbf{Operating system:}$ Windows, $\textbf{R version:}$ 4.2.3.
I learned from this link.
- Step 1: Run line below in Rstudio Console:
A path returned which tells you where your packages are installed
Step 2: Follow the path, I then manually searched and deleted all packages that I want to re-install.
Note: If you cannot find a folder, it may be hidden. To view hidden files and folders, see this link.
- Step 3: Install and library your packages:
options("install.lock"=FALSE) install.packages("package_name") library(package_name)