Learning R with swirl
Recently, I enrolled in an online course and stumbled upon swirl, a package for learning R, in R. I think that this is a great tool and an excellent way for beginners to learn R. I quickly fall in love with it. I believe there’s something for everyone on swirl, whether you’re a complete beginner or an experienced R user looking to expand skills. Thus, in this blog post, I’d like to share some of the courses in swirl that I found helpful. More information about swirl can be found in this link.
$\textbf{Operating system:}$ Windows, $\textbf{R version:}$ 4.2.3.
Install swirl
The three courses I recommend are:
- R Programming
- Getting and Cleaning Data
- Exploratory Data Analysis
Install courses
install_course("R Programming")
install_course("Getting and Cleaning Data")
install_course("Exploratory Data Analysis")
Run swirl
About the course:
The R programming Course
There are 15 lessons in this course, which are: Basic Building Blocks, Workspace and Files, Sequences of Numbers, Vectors, Missing Values, Subsetting Vectors, Matrices and Data Frames, Logic, Functions, lapply and sapply, vapply and tapply, Looking at Data, Simulation, Dates and Times, and base Graphics.
The Getting and Cleaning Data Course
There are 4 lessons in this course, which are: Munipulating Data with dplyr, Grouping Chaining with dplyr, Tidying Data with tidyr, and Dates and Times with lubridate.
The Exploratory Data Analysis Course
There are 15 lessons in this course, which are: Principles of Analytic Graphs, Exploratory Graphs, Graphics Devices in R, Plotting Systems, Base Plotting System, Lattice Plotting System, Working with Colors, GGPlot2 Part1, GGPlot2 Part2, GGPlot2 Extras, Hierarchical Clustering, K Means Clustering, Dimension Reduction, Clustering Example, and CaseStudy.
Other courses:
install_from_swirl("Regression Models")