Statistical Computing with SAS (Summer 2020 TA)

Asynchronous, graduate course, University of Kentucky, Dr. Bing Zhang Department of Statistics, 2020

Teaching Assistant

My primary responsibilities were grading homework assignments (4) and projects (2), providing solutions and detailed feedback on student work, monitoring discussion board (3) and promptly replying to posts. Additionally, I posted weekly summaries (4) on Canvas to keep students informed about their progress. To ensure effective communication and support, I maintained a high level of organization and ensured that the students’ grades were accurate. I made myself readily available to students by responding promptly to emails.


  • Required Textbook: none
  • Optional Textbook:
    • Lora D. Delwiche and Susan J. Slaughter, “The Little SAS Book”
    • Sandra D. Schlotzhauer, “Elementary Statistics Using SAS”

Course Description

This course aims to teach students to use the SAS statistical programming language and to apply this knowledge appropriately in a variety of settings. Student achievement in the course will rely heavily on performing computational tasks, data management, editing data, running basic statistical procedures, and producing reports using SAS.

Student Learning Outcomes

The primary goals of this course are:

  • Perform basic statistical programming tasks in SAS.
  • Demonstrate the ability to manage and manipulate data sets.
  • Create appropriate graphical representations of a variety of data types.
  • Demonstrate basic proficiency with SAS.
  • Collaborate effectively with other statistical users and consumers in written reports and discussions.
