Statistical Methods and Motivations (Spring 2021 TA)

Asynchronous, undergraduate course, University of Kentucky, Dr. Bing Zhang Department of Statistics, 2021

Teaching Assistant

My primary responsibilities were grading workbook assignments (4), final project (1), helping with WileyPLUS homework, promptly addressing any questions or concerns they had via email, particularly during three online exams. To ensure effective communication and support, I maintained a high level of organization and made sure the students’ grades were accurate.


  • Required Textbook:
    • Lock, “Statistics: Unlocking the Power of Data”

Course Description

Introduction to principles of statistics with emphasis on conceptual understanding. Students will articulate results of statistical description of sample data (including bivariate), application of probability distributions, confidence interval estimation and hypothesis testing to demonstrate properly contextualized analysis of real-world data

Student Learning Outcomes

The primary goals of this course are:

  • Demonstrate understanding of p-value, margins of error and confidence intervals, formal hypothesis tests through their creation or evaluation.
  • Generate and/or analyze critically quantitative and graphic data summaries in their real-world contexts.
  • Integrate knowledge from huge reservoir of available data and illustrate their comprehension of that knowledge through individual summarization.

